Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Long Awaited Pocket I.T. Application Is Now Available In The...

Gilbert, AZ (PRWEB) January 18, 2011

Arizona App Design LLC has released Pocket I.T., a “mobile helpdesk application” that allows users to search and find answers on how to resolve technical issues they are experiencing with several devices. It gives I.T. organizations a tool to help them maximize on productivity by putting a self-help app in the hands of their staff. The new Android application will feature a number of key devices to search and troubleshoot technical issues from basic to more advanced levels.

“The popularity of the Pocket I.T. application is quickly spreading across multiple geographies,” said Eric Tampellini, owner of Arizona App Design LLC. “As an I.T. professional for a very large law firm, I have found my attorneys serve their clients with greater productivity when technology works.” There are two components or markets for this app and the first is that any user has to deal with less than perfect technology. This app will provide them with a tool to not only keep them on track but more importantly on task. The second component is that doctors, lawyers, smaller companies that have an I.T. professional on call can’t always get the response time they need. For example, a smaller law firm’s attorney uses and relies on their smartphone. John Daniels III Esq. of Fennemore Craig Law Firm located in Phoenix, Arizona had this to share - “Our phones are a place of business for many and Pocket I.T. provides professionals with a tool to help us overcome a non-working asset.” As we seek to reduce friction in the user experience with laptops, HTC and smartphones, air cards and, in the future, basic software applications, we are taking advantage of the unique features of each mobile platform. In the case of our Android app, we’re leveraging the Android’s voice search capabilities to make searching technical problems easier and faster.”

The Pocket I.T. application for Android includes features such as:

•Multiple Devices – An app screen will present the user with the opportunity to select a device to troubleshoot, Laptops, Andriod Phones, iPhone, Blackberry, air cards, and soon the WIN7 phones.

•Ease of search – Once the device is selected the user will be able to search by keywords, “my email is not syncing.” The app will then present the user with a narrow list of specific questions related to Email and syncing issues on the device they selected earlier.

•Multiple solutions – There are many possible solutions to fix any given problem. If the first solution does not work for the user they will have the ability to pull up a secondary and third solution.

•Feedback – User ability to leave feedback and post solutions that worked for them.

•Social Network Access – Users can share the solution that worked for them with their friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

•Voice search – In addition to type search, the Pocket I.T. application will provide updates at a later time with speech-to-text voice search.

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View the original article here

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