Tired of seeing automatic hyphenation in every text box you add to Microsoft Publisher 2010 documents? While hyphenation is useful in that you can fit more text inside a smaller amount of space, some document designers dislike this practice and would rather choose if and when hyphenation should occur depending on the document type and intended audience.
To prevent Publisher 2010 from auto-hyphenating words inside every new text box created, make the following tweak:
1. Select the "File" tab in the Ribbon.
2. The Microsoft Office Backstage View appears. Click the "Options" button.
(Or instead of steps 1 and 2, press Alt + F, then the letter T.)
3. The "Publisher Options" dialog box appears. Click "Advanced" in the left pane.
4. Underneath "Editing options", uncheck "Automatically hyphenate in new text boxes".
Preventing Publisher 2010 from forcing hyphenation to occur in all new text boxes5. Click "OK" on the bottom-right of the dialog box to close it.
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